Posts Tagged ‘Taste of Madison’

Taste of Madison 2013

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

One of the perks about being a judge for Taste of Madison is getting to try everything ahead of time with no line (and no cost). Here are three things you should try at this year’s Taste of Madison:

  1. Churro sundae from Caracas Empanadas. Who knew they could also do dessert? It’s a wonderful combination of sweet and crunchy.
  2. Berry smoothie from Natural Juice. You’ll be fine with any of its smoothie flavors, but berry was my favorite.
  3. Wisconsin cheese curd fritter from Buck and Badger. The batter is slightly sweet, and the whole concoction is delicious with or without the accompanying mustard sauce.

You can see all the dishes I tried in my Taste of Madison 2013 Flickr set.

Taste of Madison judging

Monday, July 20th, 2009
I was one of the fortunate few who got to be a judge for Taste of Madison, and that took place today (not sure why so early since the event is not until September).

Despite restaurant participation being voluntary, many restaurants still came to the Quality Inn – Fitchburg and presented their items to the judges. I must say, all the restaurant employees were very friendly and eager to talk about their food items, and I’m sure they would have been this way even if they weren’t being judged.

All the food was displayed at various tables around the room, and judges were allowed to help themselves. (In an adjacent room, the vendors had their food weighed to make sure the portions weren’t too big.)

I sampled 16 different items and rated each on a scale from 1 (bad) to 5 (good). Most items for me were rated 4 or higher; my lowest ranking was a 2.5 (though I won’t say which item). I kept into consideration travel time; since the food was not cooked on site as it will be at Taste of Madison, some items were a bit cold.

My favorite item was Sweet Sophie’s peach soup, which also won my award for “most unique” (a category). A close second was Joey’s Seafood’s firecracker shrimp.

The only downside to the event is that the vendors could come anytime from 1-4 p.m. That meant I had finished eating by the time some vendors were just showing up, so I didn’t get as large of a tasting selection.

Still, I immensely enjoyed the event and hope to be back next year.

    Urban Air TryaTaste

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