Posts Tagged ‘New Glarus Music Fest’

Memorial Day Events

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

I find it amusing when I ask people if they have any plans for Memorial Day weekend, and they reply that they’ll be going to Bratfest. In other words, they have zero plans, but they don’t feel like they’re completely wasting their weekend if they at least go to Bratfest.

Granted, it’s a great event, with the live music, carnival, Friday morning drive-thru and run/walk, but there’s so much more happening in the area, especially if you prefer day trips.

For example, the annual ChocolateFest in Burlington runs Friday-Monday. You can take part in the chocolate eating contest, visit the petting zoo and check out the Nascar exhibit.

While we’re still on the subject of festivals, the New Glarus Music Fest runs Saturday-Monday. Bands include Little Vito and the Torpedoes and The Jimmys.

The Mad City Ski Team starts its season on Sunday. Will it win yet another national championship this year?

On Monday, Monona will have its 58th annual Memorial Day parade, starting at 10 a.m. on Monona Drive. And while you’re in town, Monona’s community pool will be open for the season.

Finally, if you’re looking for overnight trips, here’s my previous post on where to stay and dine.

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