Ice in my veins

I was reintroduced recently to the concept of drinking ice-cold water first thing in the morning while reading “The 4-Hour Body” by Timothy Ferris (also author of “The 4-Hour Workweek“). Drinking 16 oz (500 ml) right after waking does a few positive things for the body, including jump-starting your metabolism and burning a few extra calories.

Regarding the former, I can definitely attest to this. Five minutes after I’ve finished drinking the water–and let me say, it’s not easy drinking water of this quantity and temperature in the morning–I am STARVING. I usually eat a small breakfast, but after consuming the water, I double what I normally eat.

But why ice-cold? As Ferris explains in his book, it’s due to the laws of thermodynamics. (Wait … what?) He writes about a NASA scientist who was trying to figure out how Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps could eat a reported 12,000 calories per day, when competitive swimming only uses 860 calories/hr.

The scientist eventually figured out that swimming in an 82-degree pool for four hours could burn an extra 4,000 calories because of heat transfer (heat is a form of energy, and your body is warmer than 82 degrees).  This reminds me of some wrestlers who, in trying to make weight, sleep with no covers and the windows open to shiver all night and burn some more calories.

So far in 2.5 weeks of drinking ice-cold water every other day and taking a very cold shower for one minute (the longest minute ever!) twice a week, I’ve lost about three pounds. I have not changed my exercise habits, so I don’t think the weight loss was from muscle loss.

I’ll continue this regime for a while and see if there are more changes long term, and at that point, I’ll provide an update.

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