The Brewery Tour

Got a craving for some beer? Maybe it’s because the annual Great Taste of the Midwest is this Saturday. In any event, here are some breweries that will satisfy those urges. Please consider this list part 1; I’ll keep coming up with sets of breweries to visit from time to time.

Stone Cellar Brewpub is worth a visit if you’re in the Fox Cities. First, I really like the historic building, which was built in 1858. The food is as stellar as what’s on tap, and the beer garden is a fun place to hang out.

Tyranena Brewing Company is located in Lake Mills, an easy drive from Madison. Besides the brewery tour, the bar has plenty of activities to you keep you returning. For example, play team trivia on Tuesdays in the summer, or enjoy live music on the weekends. I have a nice Tyranena souvenir pint glass from my last visit.

Minhas Brewery in Monroe has been the home to many beers, including Mountain Crest (nee Mountain Creek) and Wisconsin Club, a super cheap beer I had when I was in college (now discontinued). The brewery museum, especially the portion in the basement, is absolutely incredible (remember the Hamm’s Beer Bear?).

The Potosi Brewing Company beat out Milwaukee and St. Louis for the rights to host the National Brewery Museum–seriously! It’s cool to see the caves in which beer was stored. Sitting inside or outside really takes you back in time.


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