Whistling Kettle Iced Teas

Whistling Kettle teaI’ve been drinking more tea lately, so it was perfect timing to receive an offer to review teas from the Whistling Kettle.

The premium loose tea leaf company has multiple cafes in New York State and a robust line of teas. You can buy the tea in sachets, sample packs, 1-lb. bags and more.

Of note, Whistling Kettle also sells basically every accessory you could need, including infusers, tea bags and brewers.

I tried various samples from the extensive iced tea collection. I loved the smell of the teas when you open up the bags, as you know you’re in for a good cup or two. I also want to mention that the teas were good both hot and iced.

  • Whistling Kettle teaThe purple papayaberry ($16 for 4 oz.) is indeed purple. It’s got hibiscus, apple pieces, rose hips and orange, among other flavorings, and sports a wonderful floral aroma and a subtle fruity flavor without being sweet.
  • The peach flavor hits you right away in the vineyard peach strawberry black tea ($18 for 4 oz.), which also has safflower. It’s really nice with some added honey.
  • Meanwhile, the bright strawberry flavor reaches you first in the strawberry guava tea ($19 for 4 oz). (I must admit it’s tempting to eat the dried strawberry slices.) I also detected the guava and a bit of the pineapple, which round out the profile of this excellent tea.
  • I admit I only drank the Kettle iced tea blend ($14 for 4 oz.) hot. I can tell it would mix well with, say, lemonade, but I really liked it just as it is: a full-bodied tea.

You can purchase Whistling Kettle teas on its website.


Photos courtesy of Whistling Kettle


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