Just Pure Foods Tomato Chips

Tomato ChipsI appreciate that more and more companies are trying to make nutritious snacks. That’s why I accepted an offer to try tomato chips from Just Pure Foods.

The tomato chips ($19.99 for a pack of eight) are made through dehydration. They’re gluten-free, vegan, nut-free, allergen-free, Keto-friendly and non-GMO. Depending on the flavor, each 0.8 oz. bag has 50-60 calories, 9-11 g. of carbs and 2-3 g. of protein.

I thought the chips were a little tart, but you get used to it after eating a few. I liked their crunch and crispiness, which is amazing considering they’re not fried or baked.

Tomato chipCurrently, there are three flavors, but more are on their way. Both the cheesy and barbecue flavors were subtle and more detectable in the aftertaste. The spicy jalapeno doesn’t taste like jalapenos, but it does have the heat.

The tomatoes are grown at Nase Farms in Vizcaino Baja, Calif. Sustainable farming practices are followed by upcycling tomatoes that would have been plowed under because they are not the right size, are not the right shape or have ripened too early.

Just Pure Foods has plans for other innovative plant-based snacks, including healthy salad toppings, pineapple chips, bell pepper chips and jicama chips.

You can purchase tomato chips on Amazon.com.


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