Congo Tropicals

Congo TropicalsCongo Tropicals primarily sells tropical fruit, though I accepted an offer to try a couple of its packaged products: plantain chips and organic dark chocolate.

The company is based in Florida, and from its website, you can buy items such as dragon fruit, mangosteen, malanga and tree tomatoes. In other words, items that would be difficult to find in the Midwest.

Congo TropicalsI found the salted plantain chips ($26 for 12 4.5-5 oz. bags) to be addicting. The first one you eat is to orient yourself so that you acknowledge these aren’t the banana chips you might find in trail mixes. Soon after that, you’ll be enjoying the plantain chips’ crispiness and perfect amount of seasoning.

The gluten-free plantain chips also come in garlic and ripe/maduro flavors. Each serving (34 chips) has 120 calories, 6 g. of fat, 17 g. of carbs and 1 g. of protein.

The organic dark chocolate ($30 for a 10-pack) was enjoyable. Made in Costa Rica, it is bitter as expected but also has some sweetness (70% cacao). Each bar has 569 calories, 37 g. of fat and 49 g. of carbs.

Besides plantain chips and dark chocolate, Congo Tropicals also makes its own ground coffee.


Photos by Congo Tropicals


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