Stemple Creek Ranch

Stemple logoI love grass-fed beef, so I was happy to accept an offer to review various cuts from Stemple Creek Ranch.

Here’s some background. Stemple Creek Ranch is located in Marin County in Northern California, with most of its 1,000-acre pastureland being Certified Organic. The cattle are 100% grass-fed and grass-finished, and they never see a feedlot.

Loren and Lisa Poncia run the ranch, and their daughters mark the fifth generation of the Poncia family to work the ranch.

Stemple Creek Ranch sells a variety of grass-fed beef products, including sweet & spicy beef jerky ($14.99), bacon & toma cheese spiced hot dogs ($13.49) and beef marrow bones ($21.99). You also can get a 1/8th of a beef box ($645 for 50 lbs.) and a 1/16th of a beef box ($365 for 25 lbs.), but I would recommend the Beef Welcome Box for Two ($195), which comes with various steaks, roasts and ground beef.

Stemple brisketI tried an assortment of cuts, including skirt steak and coulotte steak. I want to give praise to the brisket. At first, I was concerned by the relative lack of fat; however, after slow-cooking the brisket, it turned out immensely tender and flavorful.

I also enjoyed the bavette steak. I seared it, roasted it, sliced it and used it for some tasty steak sandwiches. In the future, I look forward to trying the ribeye and the Korean short ribs.

Of note, Stemple Creek Ranch also sells grass-fed lamb, pasture-raised pork and grass-fed veal. You can host private events at the ranch, which also has three guests lodgings on the property.


Photo courtesy of Stemple Creek Ranch


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