K Peppers

Exit the Beltline at University Avenue and you’ll soon see K Peppers, a fusion Korean restaurant. (Why are most new Asian restaurants nowadays going with “fusion”? Do they feel it’ll lure people who are afraid of non-Americanized Asian food and/or think they’re eating something trendy?)

While it’s nice to have a second Korean option in the Madison area, I’m not sure I would go back there, as the food was less than impressive.

The tuigimmandoo (fried pork dumplings) was a bit bland and heavily relied on the soy sauce for flavor. I will admit that they were perfectly cooked, as fried dumplings can be hit or miss at some restaurants.

It’s hard to resist ordering bibimbap at a Korean restaurant. It’s rice topped with various vegetables (zucchini, eggplants, bean sprouts and platycodon), a meat choice and a fried egg (sunny side up). For $1 more, you can get it in a hot stone bowl, which according to the waitress continues to cook the food. She was right: the rice at the bottom became a dark brown, solid object. I ordered beef with this dish and I got about two bites’ worth. I mixed in an entire small bowl of srincha hot sauce not only because I like spicy, but also because the bibimbap needed some life. Very disappointing for the featured dish.

The bulgogi (boneless ribeye strips with rice) was a bit better, but you can easily make a store-bought version (e.g. Trader Joe’s) that has more flavor.

The entrees came with community side dishes, enough for about a bite or two per person. That day we were served kimchi (good), cole slaw (surprising–is this “fusion”?), diced apples (see cole slaw) and tempura broccoli (great). Soup (daikon radish) also comes with the meal.

Open for lunch and dinner Mon-Sat.

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