Alcohol Density Plan

As reported by the Isthmus, the city’s Alcohol Density Plan (ALDO) will be renewed for two more years. In essence, it does not allow any new bars in the downtown area (restaurants are okay).

I’m not in favor of this plan because it stifles competition (and thus, business). In fact, I agree with Mary Carbine, executive director of the downtown Business Improvement District, who notes that ALDO prevents entertainment venues from opening.

Binge drinking is a societal challenge that won’t be curbed simply by reducing the number of bars, as ALDO attempts to do. For example, people will still have access to liquor stores, house parties, tailgates, sporting events, etc.

I live downtown and think we could actually use more bars. One reason is because drink prices are so inflated in this city with all the students, and more competition may help drive those down. Plus, I haven’t seen rampant drunkeness week after week, as supporters of reducing the density seemingly want you to believe. 

What do you think? Are the number of bars downtown just right, too few or too many? Will ALDO reduce binge drinking?


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