35 years of Animal House

The movie “Animal House” came out 35 years ago today (July 28). Sundance Cinemas had it playing last week, and the Majestic held a toga party on Saturday.

Since this is a food blog, I thought I’d commemorate the occasion by reminiscing about the cafeteria/food fight scene. How well do you remember it?

1. What song is played to start the scene?
a) “Shout”
b) “Louie Louie”
c) “Wonderful World”
d) “Earth Angel”
2. What type of ball does Bluto eat?
a) Ping-Pong ball
b) Golf ball
c) Tennis ball
d) Baseball

3. What item doesn’t Bluto put on his tray?
a) Apple
b) Doughnut
c) Banana
d) Fries

4. What actor is sitting to the left of Bluto, in the middle?

5. Finish this sentence. “This is absolutely gross. That boy is a ____.”

6. Bluto responds by pretending to be a what?

Upon re-watching the scene, which was filmed at the University of Oregon, I was surprised that the actual food fight only lasted a couple of seconds. For some reason, I thought it was a lot longer. According to IMDB.com, John Belushi’s performance in the scene was entirely improvised.

Answers: 1- c. 2- b. 3- d. 4- Kevin Bacon, who was making his film debut. 5- P-I-G pig! 6- zit.


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