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Celebrity endorsements

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

I just read that original “Karate Kid” star Ralph Macchio is now promoting Dove ice cream. I’m not sure Dove’s rationale for choosing Ralph, other than his services probably come pretty cheaply.

Still, it made me think of other celebrities and their food/beverage endorsements. Some thoughts:

I still love Bob Uecker as the spokesperson for Miller Lite. He’s perfect because of his personality (self-depricating, humorous) and his job as the radio voice of the Brewers.

Meanwhile, Lance Armstrong is so f*cking awkward as the face of Michelob Ultra. Is he bicycling and drinking at the same time? Who knows with these poorly done ads.

Pepsi has had tons of celebrities endorse its product–so many, in fact, that it has its own Wikipedia entry. As as kid, I remember spots with Ray Charles (“You got the right one, baby”), Cindy Crawford (Pepsi stuff) and Michael J. Fox (“Next Generation”). So I’m a little surprised that Pepsi didn’t have any celebs endorse Crystal Pepsi, which I think should be brought back.

What celebrity endorsements do you like? Which do you think failed?

    Urban Air TryaTaste

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